Conversations in Critical Psychiatry
"Conversations in Critical Psychiatry" is my interview series for Psychiatric Times that explores critical and philosophical perspectives in psychiatry and engages with prominent commentators within and outside the profession who have made meaningful criticisms of the status quo.
Following interviews have been published so far. I will continue to update this page as new interviews are published.
The list below is in the order of the original online publication.
1) Conversations in Critical Psychiatry: Allen Frances, MD
2) The Structure of Psychiatric Revolutions: Anne Harrington, DPhil
(published in print with the title 'The Many Histories of Biological Psychiatry')
3) Skepticism of the Gentle Variety: Derek Bolton, PhD
4) Explanatory Methods in Psychiatry: The Importance of Perspectives: Paul R. McHugh, MD
5) Chaos Theory With a Human Face: Niall McLaren, MBBS, FRANZCP
7) Integrating Academic Inquiry and Reformist Activism in Psychiatry: Sandra Steingard, MD & G. Scott Waterman, MD
8) Social Constructionism Meets Aging and Dementia: Peter Whitehouse, MD, PhD
9) 50 Shades of Misdiagnosis: Susannah Cahalan
10) Institutional Corruption and Social Justice in Psychiatry: Lisa Cosgrove, PhD
11) The Impoverishment of Psychiatric Knowledge: Giovanni Fava, MD
12) Psychiatry and the Human Condition: Joanna Moncrieff, MD
13) Psychiatric Disorders as an Imperfect Community: Peter Zachar, PhD
14) Weaving Conceptual and Empirical Work in Psychiatry: Kenneth S. Kendler, MD
15) The Battle for the Soul of Psychiatry: Ronald W. Pies, MD
16) Psychoanalysis and the Re-Enchantment of Psychiatry: Jonathan Shedler, PhD
Following interviews have been published so far. I will continue to update this page as new interviews are published.
The list below is in the order of the original online publication.
1) Conversations in Critical Psychiatry: Allen Frances, MD
2) The Structure of Psychiatric Revolutions: Anne Harrington, DPhil
(published in print with the title 'The Many Histories of Biological Psychiatry')
3) Skepticism of the Gentle Variety: Derek Bolton, PhD
4) Explanatory Methods in Psychiatry: The Importance of Perspectives: Paul R. McHugh, MD
5) Chaos Theory With a Human Face: Niall McLaren, MBBS, FRANZCP
7) Integrating Academic Inquiry and Reformist Activism in Psychiatry: Sandra Steingard, MD & G. Scott Waterman, MD
8) Social Constructionism Meets Aging and Dementia: Peter Whitehouse, MD, PhD
9) 50 Shades of Misdiagnosis: Susannah Cahalan
10) Institutional Corruption and Social Justice in Psychiatry: Lisa Cosgrove, PhD
11) The Impoverishment of Psychiatric Knowledge: Giovanni Fava, MD
12) Psychiatry and the Human Condition: Joanna Moncrieff, MD
13) Psychiatric Disorders as an Imperfect Community: Peter Zachar, PhD
14) Weaving Conceptual and Empirical Work in Psychiatry: Kenneth S. Kendler, MD
15) The Battle for the Soul of Psychiatry: Ronald W. Pies, MD
16) Psychoanalysis and the Re-Enchantment of Psychiatry: Jonathan Shedler, PhD
** The Past, Present, and Future of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Q&A with Judith S. Beck, PhD (published as a standalone interview)