
Showing posts from October, 2022

Hermeneutic Justice and Medical Practice

Takeaway: The societal dominance of biomedical narratives requires physicians to practice medicine with epistemic humility and in a deeply collaborative manner.   How medical explanations shape our self-understanding individually as well as collectively has increasingly been on my mind, and over time I have become acutely aware of medicine’s complicated relationship with epistemic justice. According to philosopher Miranda Fricker, epistemic injustice occurs when someone is wronged “specifically in their capacity as a knower.” (1) This comes in two forms, testimonial and hermeneutic injustice. Testimonial injustice happens when a person is assigned lower credibility due to prejudice and not based on any reasonable concerns about the testimony. The person belongs to a certain negatively stereotyped social group, and this creates a credibility deficit for members of that group. A common example would be not taking the testimony of someone as seriously as is warranted because they a