On Disease Attribution and Medical Legitimacy

In this blogpost I am collecting some of my recent tweets on the topic of attribution of “disease” or “disorder” in medicine and psychiatry, and whether legitimacy of medicine depends on that. I have edited the tweets for clarity. (Also see the post Beyond Definitional Disagreements for additional background.) Suffering, impairment, harm, neurobiological and psychological differences, these exist independent of anyone’s wishes, but whether we see them through the concept of “disease” is a different issue that can be validly debated without committing a philosophical or scientific error. ( link ) There are indeed truths out there, but “disease” is not among those truths. What does exist is suffering, impairment, harm, and various sorts of neurobiological and psychological differences, etc., but our conceptualizations of these phenomena do not constitute fundamental truths. ( link ) While characterization of distress/incapacity as “disease” is coherent and historically respect...